Using the bamix® and the beater attachment on speed 1, beat the egg lightly with the water and brush the lower half of the puff pastry with the egg mixture (use about 1/3). Grate the cheese using the bamix® with the SliceSy® with the grater (medium). Mix the cheese with the spices and sprinkle half of the mixture onto the half to which the egg white was applied.
Spread ham slices over the cheese. Fold the upper half of the dough over the ham and press down well on the sides. Roll out again to the original size with a rolling pin. Spread the remaining egg white on the dough. Spread the remainder of the cheese over the dough, press down and cut into 1 cm wide strips. Curl up the strips and place on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake in the oven at 375 °F for 15–20 minutes until golden brown.